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The azerbaijani

The azerbaijani...

The fact that Azerbaijani, Armenian and Georgian cuisine have much in common is no longer practically disputed. This is no wonder, because they all belong to Caucasian cuisine, which is famous for its history and rich traditions.

It is impossible not to mention the dish, without which not only Azerbaijani, but also any other Caucasian cuisine is unthinkable. Of course, this is a kebab. Recipes of Azerbaijani cuisine for barbecue, as a rule, use lamb, or rather lamb meat. The Caucasus is certainly associated with meat dishes. Beef, veal and poultry are very popular in Azerbaijani cuisine.

Rice, vegetables, as well as fruits are used as side dishes for meat dishes. For example, dogwood, cherry plum and grenade. They love dishes made from chopped meat in Azerbaijan. The most famous dishes of Azerbaijani cuisine are lula-kebab, tava-kebab and piti.

Recipes of Azerbaijani cuisine are replete with fish products. The most common fish species here are kutum and sturgeon. Fish is cooked in a wide variety of ways: fried, stewed, baked and boiled.

And, of course, vegetables are an indispensable attribute of Azerbaijani cuisine. It is not root vegetables that prevail here, but terrestrial vegetables, and in huge quantities. These are primarily cabbage, spinach, eggplant, tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions, cucumbers, certainly potatoes and many, many others.

Recipes of Azerbaijani cuisine occupy one of the leading places among others in abundance and variety, spices, seasonings, spices, as well as various types of greens. In this row, it is worth noting pepper, cinnamon, cloves, parsley, dill, ginger, cilantro, mint and other additives that give the dishes of Azerbaijani cuisine a unique taste and aroma. In addition to spices, lemons, olives, dried apricots and edible acids are widely used in Azerbaijani cuisine to improve the taste of dishes. Salt is usually used little. Dishes are usually served unsalted or slightly salty, the above additives successfully replace salt in most dishes.

There are a huge number of first courses in the national cuisine of Azerbaijan. These are either meat dishes such as shorba, piti, kufta-bozbash, or dishes based on sour milk and herbs - bolva, dovga, widower. A distinctive feature of local first courses is that they contain very little broth and are quite thick in consistency, so the first courses can successfully be used as second courses. Very often, broth and separately the remaining part are first served, namely meat, potatoes, peas.

The main national dish of Azerbaijani cuisine, undoubtedly, is pilaf. There are a little, a lot of about 40 different recipes for this culinary miracle. Depending on the content and method of preparation, the names of the pilaf differ. So, kaurma pilaf is pilaf with stewed lamb, toug pilaf - with chicken, and pilaf shirin - with sweet dried fruits.

There is one unique feature that distinguishes Azerbaijani pilaf from recipes common in neighboring countries. Rice here is prepared and served separately from other components - meat, fish, fruits, herbs, eggs. They are not mixed even when eating. But despite this, individual products together make up a single and amazingly tasty dish.

Invariably, every meal in Azerbaijan ends with sweets. These are precisely sweets, not desserts. Desserts, that is, third dishes are slightly common among the local population, but there are a great many sweets. Here are just a few of them: baklava, kurabye, tyhma, mutaki, kazinaki, halva, rakhat-lukum, fashmek. Needless to say, each of these sweets is completely special and incomparable with nothing. Having tried once, you can hardly give up the temptation to taste these sweets over and over again.

As for drinks, sherbet is the most common and popular in Azerbaijani cuisine. It is prepared using sugar, lemon, saffron, mint seeds and basil, as well as various fruits. Azerbaijani tea is no less famous, and it is exclusively black and quite strong. For tea in Azerbaijani cuisine, as a rule, jam is served from a variety of fruits and berries that are so widespread in the region.

Azerbaijan is a country with a surprisingly rich and ancient culture, an integral part of which is the national cuisine.