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Radish salad

Radish salad, daikon salad is distinguished by an island-bitter taste and benefits. More details about radish salad...For salad, you can use any radish to your taste. They prepare green radish salad, black radish salad, red radish salad recipes, daikon radish salad, white radish salad, margelan radish salad recipe. Radish is used as the basis of lettuce, other ingredients are added to it. They can be very different, depending on which, diet, meat and other, you want to make a salad with radish. The recipe for salad with radish also uses a variety of dressing, prepare a salad from radish with

mayonnaise, radish salad with sour cream, with butter. Radish salad with meat can be prepared for the holiday, these are radish salad with chicken, salad with radish and beef, klyazma salad with radish. Another hearty salad is a radish salad with an egg. Diet salads with radish, these are radish salad with carrots, apple salad with green radish, recipe salad with radish and cucumber. Sometimes sugar or honey is added to a salad with radish. It is important to cut the radish beautifully for salad. You can use straws or slices.