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Minced meatballs

How to make mince cutlets? The recipe for homemade mince cutlets in families is passed from generation to generation, from mother to daughter. Delicious minced pork cutlets, diet minced turkey cutlets, lean minced fish cutlets, quick minced chicken cutlets - homemade minced meat cutlets will certainly appeal to you and your loved ones. More details about minced meat cutlets...The recipe for making mince cutlets depends on what meat you use and how you cook the cutlets. The fastest way to make chicken mince cutlets. The recipe for minced pork cutlets is also very simple and popular. Delicious ground beef cutlets are obtained if you add more onions to the meat and bake the cutlets in the oven. Before making mince patties in the oven, they need to be roasted until ruddy. How to make minced turkey cutlets? Delicious mince cutlets will be if you add bread or boiled cereals to the cutlet mass. This is how cutlets with rice and minced meat, buckwheat and minced meat cutlets or cutlets with oatmeal and minced meat are prepared. Very juicy mince and potato patties, which by the way, when you fry chicken mince patties. Making mince cutlets is even easier if you know how to make mince cutlets in a slow cooker. For the flavour, add the spices or spicy greens to the home-made mince patties. The minced meat patty recipe is a win-win for home-cooked dining.