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Barley porridge

Connoisseurs of simple food will like barley porridge. Its recipes are simple and useful if you know how to cook barley porridge correctly. More details about barley porridge...
Which can be easier than barley porridge! Cooking method: grits are poured with water and boiled at low boiling until cooked. Small tricks will help those wishing to find out how to cook delicious barley porridge, how to cook crumbly barley porridge. For example, before cooking barley porridge, it must be covered with boiling water. The simplest barley porridge is on the water. The recipe can be diversified by adding mushrooms or herbs when served. With toast or sauces, barley porridge is also very tasty. How to cook this breakfast porridge? Barley porridge on milk is the most suitable recipe. To make it even tastier, add honey, raisins or chunks of chocolate.

How to make barley porridge tasty? It is always excellent to get barley porridge in a slow cooker. The recipe for barley porridge in a slow cooker, although not different from usual, will allow you to cook especially crumbly and fragrant porridge.