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Sweet pear jam

Amber pear jam is a recipe for a fragrant sweetness to tea. More details about pear jam...
Pear, due to its taste, is the basis of a very large number of sweet dishes and desserts. Including pear jam. Its recipes are numerous, but their ease of preparation unites. Especially popular among the options for pear jam for the winter can be called pear jam with lemon and pear jam with wedges. They are rightfully considered one of the most delicious pear blanks, they are worth trying to make.

To make pear jam look beautiful and homogeneous in consistency, you need to cook the fruits correctly. Pears must be taken of the same variety and the same size. Make slices with an average thickness when cutting. Too thin wedges boil quickly and make the syrup cloudy and unsightly, and very thick pieces cannot soak well enough in the syrup and also remain cloudy. Boiled slices need to be mercilessly cleaned. These secrets will help you get a beautiful transparent jam with a unique taste.

The same remarks are useful when cooking pear jam, which, like pear jam, is an invaluable source of vitamins and nutrients. It has been proven that during heat treatment, the pear practically does not lose its remarkable properties. The preparation of pear jam has its own features, the recipe involves the use of gelling ingredients when cooking. Both jam and jam are a great addition to cottage cheese, pancakes, casseroles, etc.

Let's tell you a little how to cook pear jam:

- the amount of sugar depends on the pear variety used, its saccharinity;

- it is advisable to pour hot jam into glass jars, plug with lids. It is not necessary to wrap banks;

- you need to cook pear jam in three approaches for 20 minutes, this will ensure the transparency of the jam and the integrity of the fruit pieces;

- for cooking, use a thick-bottomed saucepan to avoid burning;

- you need to stir the jam with a wooden shoulder blade;

- the jars are thoroughly washed and sterilized before filling.