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Protein cream

Protein cream is a recipe for an unusually tender cream. Protein cream is used to decorate cake and basket cakes. A protein custard is good for this, as it holds its shape better. Protein biscuit cake cream will help you make a real pastry masterpiece! More details about protein cream...How to make protein cream? For tubes, an option is suitable in which cooled proteins are beaten into a strong foam with powdered sugar. The recipe for protein tube cream is, as you can see, very simple. Protein eclair cream can also be prepared or protein custard cream can be used. Be sure to wash thoroughly and wipe dishes and tools dry before making a protein cream, and then start work.

Protein cake cream serves exclusively for the appearance of the dessert, as it is very delicate. To make the protein cream for decorating the cake more elegant, dyes are added at the end of preparation. The recipe for protein cake cream recommends using protein custard cream. The video will help make a truly high-quality protein custard cream - this recipe requires the strictest adherence to instructions. The sections of our website "protein cream recipe with photos" and "protein cream recipe video" will help you cope with this task.