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Chicken broth

Chicken broth can be used not only to make soup. You can drink delicious chicken broth just like that. But it is important to know how to cook chicken broth correctly. More about chickenbroth...Chicken stock is a real treat. Transparent, yellowish, it invigorates and gives strength. Not for nothing even prepare chicken broth for the patient. Some of the most common questions of a young mistress are how to cook chicken broth, how to cook chicken broth. The recipe for this dish is of interest to many. Let's try to answer them and tell them how to cook chicken broth. Chicken broth is a recipe that requires patience. The answer to the question of how much chicken broth is cooked cannot be unequivocal, as it depends on the chicken used. 40 minutes to 2 hours, that's how much to cook chicken stock. The recipe for chicken broth can be both from whole chicken and from its parts. One cooks chicken breast broth and legs broth. Chicken breast stock is a good way to make a delicious dish out of this little suitable part of chicken. In addition, chicken broth from the breast is prepared relatively quickly.

Some tips on how to cook clear chicken stock. First, after the water with the chicken boils, you need to cook it over low heat. Secondly, it is better not to close the pan with a lid. Thirdly, salt at the end of cooking. That's all simple science, how to make chicken broth transparent. Actually, this is the answer to the question of how to cook chicken broth correctly. You can also make chicken broth in a slow cooker.

Chicken broth with egg is prepared in two stages. Stage one: we cook clear chicken broth. Second: beat the egg and slowly pour it into the broth stirring. Many love chicken stock with noodles or chicken stock with vermicelli as

pasta does not change the taste of chicken broth.