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Pour pies

Pour pie is one of the simplest pies. Largely because the dough for the pour cake is cooked very simply. More details about the pour cake...The filling pie recipe will appeal to those who do not like or do not know how to make complex dough. The pour pie dough resembles a pancake dough. It is the same liquid, in fact, they just pour the filling, so it is often called poured cake dough. The main requirement for a pour cake is that the dough should be soft, for this, sour milk products are used along with slaked soda. For example, pour pies on kefir are very popular. Pouring cake on kefir is not the only one, for dough you can take sour cream or yogurt. Sometimes for poured pies, sand or layered dough is used, more time-consuming, but more delicious and festive poured pies are obtained. The secrets and toppings of pour pies, these are two important topics we need to consider. Filling for pour cake can be almost any: meat, fish vegetable. Judge for yourself, there is a cauliflower pie, a cauliflower fish pie, a canned fish pour pie, a chicken pour pie, a poured meat pour pie with potatoes, a poured mushroom pie, a cabbage pour pie with cheese. The good thing about pour pies is the speed of cooking. A minimum of time and food, and you get, for example, a quick pouring cake with cabbage. You can improve the recipe for poured kale pie by sprinkling it on top before sending it to the oven with grated cheese. But pouring cake can be sweet too. A typical sweet pour pie is a pour apple pie. Usually a pour cake is made in the oven. Pouring cake in a slow cooker is a trend of our time, and not devoid of meaning. The pour pies in the slow cooker cook faster and bake more evenly.