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Pumpkin pies

Before baking pumpkin pies, know that this bright, beautiful, large vegetable is extremely useful and contains a whole range of vitamins and trace elements. More details about pumpkin pies...
Pumpkin pleases us with its rich color, unusual, interesting shape and fragrant, fresh content. But! The pumpkin itself is fresh and is eaten alone only by foodies. However, it is simply a sin not to use such a useful and voluminous vegetable mass. This has long been understood by people at all ends of the world, and they lay pumpkin as the basis for many dishes. Americans love such Halloween pies, Italians love any pumpkin desserts and snacks, residents of the post-Soviet space grew up on porridge with pumpkin. A special theme is pumpkin pies.

Even simple pumpkin pies - will always decorate any table. Pumpkin gives the pie an interesting orange hue and a characteristic tender taste. It can either be part of the filling (pumpkin pies) or enter the dough (pumpkin pies). Pumpkin is also valuable because it can absorb the aromas and taste of other ingredients of the dish. This is what makes pumpkin indispensable in making pies. Cooking pumpkin pies in the oven and pumpkin pies in the slow cooker. Both options are good and quite common.

Many types of pumpkin dishes are obtained depending on the dough used: lean pumpkin pie, puff pumpkin pie. Also, the dough can be sweet, then they make a pie with pumpkin and cottage cheese, a pie with pumpkin and apples, cherry plum, pineapple. Maybe fresh dough, even a little brackish. It is used to make a pie with pumpkin and meat or ham, a pie with pumpkin and rice. Great options with nuts, dried fruits, cream and even chocolate are also possible. And if you mix the crushed pumpkin with soft cheese, we get a cheesecake.

Ossetian pumpkin pie is popular. The main rules for making such a pie: round flat shape, bright appearance, the presence of filling is twice as much dough, and pumpkin in the filling forms the basis.

All of the pumpkin pies listed are delicious and healthy. You will definitely get a delicious pie in the pumpkin oven, especially sweet. After all, if pumpkin is taken as the basis of the filling, sweet pie is the best that can be made from it.

Make your pumpkin pie, you will find recipes on the website. And from the photos you can choose the option of the final product. So if pumpkin pies, the recipe with the photo first! Your guests will definitely like your pumpkin pies, recipes will quickly and deliciously help to prepare a dish, and the setting for dinner will be warm and sunny.

Study and try different recipes, choose your one, for your taste. After all, pumpkin pie in the oven, the recipes for this dish are diverse and original. The choice is also convenient to make from a photo. The recipe for the dish "pumpkin pie" and the photo of this dish together look more convincing.

Now some tips for those looking to make pumpkin pie:

- you need to choose a small pumpkin with dense flesh for the pie. Connoisseurs recommend the variety "Nutmeg";

- if you use one pumpkin for filling, without apples and other sweet and sour fruits, you need to pour lemon juice for taste;

- if the pumpkin for filling is too hard, it must be boiled a little before;

- in the oven, the pie is cooked at a temperature of 210 - 230 degrees. A small incision can be made on top of the pie to contact the filling with the heat;

- the aroma of the pie can be tinged with spices: ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, allspice. Choose to your liking.