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Meat pies

Meat pie is a recipe for all occasions. Mince pie is made for a family lunch, picnic or for a festive table. More details about meat pies...How to make a meat pie? Cake is prepared more often in the oven or in a pan. The meat pie in the slow cooker is very tender. The meat pie dough is often yeast or potato. A puff pastry meat pie and a pita meat pie are prepared very quickly. The recipe for meat pie dough also depends on whether it is a closed or open meat pie. The recipe with the photo will tell you how to knead the dough correctly and put it beautifully so that the finished pie is elegant. Usually, the meat filling for the pie is roasted mince. The filling for meat pie will taste better if you add vegetables to it. A recipe for a meat pie with photos and step-by-step instructions will help you understand all the nuances of making a meat pie.