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Udmurt cuisine

National Udmurt cuisine has historically developed as a hunter and gatherer kitchen. However, over time, agriculture began to play a large role in the life of the Udmurts, the range of Udmurt cuisine products and methods of preparing Udmurt cuisine expanded. More details about the recipes of Udmurt cuisine...
Under the influence of the Slavs and Tatars, modern Udmurt cuisine was formed. Recipes for Udmurt dishes are still widely used by forest gifts: mushrooms, berries, honey, game. The dish that glorified Udmurt cuisine is of course dumplings. But there are other interesting recipes for Udmurt cuisine. For example, webs that are cooked like dumplings but baked. Another popular recipe for Udmurt cuisine is yeast pancakes tabani. The national Udmurt cuisine is generally rich in various pies: with fish, berries, meat. Udmurt cuisine rarely uses frying products, usually they are stewed or boiled. At the same time, Udmurt cuisine is very satisfying and healthy.