Shrimp cocktail
Defrost the shrimp, rinse with cold water and eat the water thoroughly. Rinse the olives with cold water, eat the water, thinly cut. Mix mayonnaise, cream, Vorchester sauce, sugar, lemon juice, mustard seeds, anchovy paste (instead of mayonnaise and cream, you can take slightly whipped cream). Go through the lettuce leaves, rinse, let drain the water, dry and cut into strips. Line lettuce leaves with 4 cocktail glasses. Stir the shrimp with the sauce and put in the prepared glasses. Finely chopped pieces of pineapple or orange can be added to the cocktail.
shrimp ice cream 600g, olives - 50g, mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. spoons, cream - 4 tbsp. spoons, Worcester sauce (Worcestershire) - 0.5 tsp, sugar - 0.5 tsp, lemon juice - 0.5 tsp, salt - 0.25 tsp, mustard seeds threshed 1 tsp, anchovy pasta 1 tsp, salad leaves to taste, pineapple (optional) 1-2 tbsp, or orange - 1-2 tbsp