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Sujuk is a special kind of savoury, slightly flattened-looking sausage. Sujuk recipe is common in Bulgaria, Greece, Lebanon, Armenia.

salt - 30 g, sugar - 10 g, beef - 1 kg

How to make sujuk? We take beef for making sujuk from the shoulder blade - here the meat is fatter. Cutting into small pieces, we release the tendons and thick muscle membranes, but leave the fat. Treat the pieces of 50-100 g with a salt mixture of the following composition: for 1 kg of meat - 30 g of salt and 1 g of saltpeter, and I g of sugar, then put in a basket and hold for up to 4 days to eat the blood. Then we pass through a meat grinder with a large lattice, add ground spices - nutmeg, cardamom, red hot pepper to taste. Transfer the minced meat into an enameled bucket, mix it thoroughly and leave it in a cool place overnight. With aged minced meat, we fill the narrowest beef or pork petioles tightly, twisting them every 15-20 cm to make the same sausages in length. After packing in each pair, squeeze a little mince on both sides so that
1. 5 cm of the empty shell remains. We bend it and stick it to the filled part of the intestine: when the shell dries, the intestine sticks together very tightly. We pierce the Sujuki with a needle in two or three places so that the air that got inside with the mince comes out, and then dry it like a basturma, under a canopy on a draught for 30-40 days. In a dry, cool place, sujuki, tied in several pieces, are stored for about six months. Sujuk is served like a snack, without removing the shells, cut into thin oblique slices.