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Champignons in italian

Peel and slice the champignons and cook for 5 minutes in boiling water with 1st lemon juice, salt and bay leaf. Cast in a colander and let drain the water. Peel the pepper from the seeds and partitions and cut into cubes. Mix olive oil with vinegar, lemon juice, squeeze garlic into the mixture, stir. Spread the garlic mixture over slices of loaf, sprinkle with grated cheese and spices and bake in the oven. Put the mushrooms with pepper on a dish, pour over the remaining garlic mixture, salt, add spices. Serve salad with cooked croutons.

fresh champignons - 600 g, lemon (juice) 2 pcs., bay leaf to taste, sweet pepper - 1 pod, garlic to taste, olive oil - 100 g, Italian spices to taste, French baguette - 8 pieces, gouda cheese - 100 g, salt to taste