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Sandwiches are as beloved as they are simple.More about sandwiches...
This seemingly simple food is able to satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time, which is why sandwiches are so popular, especially as a breakfast and afternoon snack. The advent of sandwiches dates back to the 18th century and owes it to the British Earl Sandwich, who pioneered the absorption of pieces of meat stacked between two fried slices of bread. He did this because he did not want to be distracted from playing cards, and at the same time did not want to get his hands dirty on fatty meat. The idea, as we can see, has taken root and received its development today. The sandwich differs from a simple sandwich precisely by the presence of two slices of bread that hold the filling.

Remember how often we do not want to do thorough cooking in the kitchen at all. Therefore, when you are hungry, and there is no strength or time to stand at the stove, sandwiches will help you out. You will find recipes on our website. The variety of options is striking: cheese sandwich, chicken sandwich, ham sandwich, tuna sandwich, egg sandwich, etc. You can only show fantasy for using what's left of last night's dinner in the fridge. The right sandwich is the one you'll come up with yourself. There is no unequivocal recipe.

However, you still have to take into account something. For example, to make a delicious sandwich, a toaster is highly desirable. Remember how appetizing it smells like heated and dried bread! Such hot sandwiches are commonly referred to as homemade sandwiches. Bread plays a big role in them. For sandwiches, it is best to take the so-called toast bread. It is perfectly toasted in a toaster, gives the dish a special aroma and taste.

Importantly, such a sandwich is great for treating sudden guests. Pick the best sandwiches from your arsenal and feel free to cook them for your friends. Their gratitude and admiration for you are assured. They are also indispensable on hikes, on walks. True, eating them hot will not work.

But there are a few more creative ideas on the topic of sandwiches. For example, club sandwiches or sandwich cookies. This sweet treat is rightly loved not only by children, but also by their parents. How to make a sandwich out of cookies? Simple. You can use finished products, you can bake them yourself. And as a sweet layer, use chocolate, condensed milk, jam, etc. Try to rate the sandwich options we offer. Recipes with photos will help you make the right choice.

A more complete idea of ​ ​ how to make a sandwich will help you make our tips:

- butter, if according to the recipe it will be washed between the layers of the sandwich, should be mixed with crushed fresh or frozen greens;

- so that the bread in the hot sandwich is not washed from wet products, put a salad leaf on it first;

- the curd mass used in some versions of sandwiches can be replaced with ground soft cheese or spritz;

- for beautiful spread on bread soft products (butter, pate, etc. ) use a knife with a wavy blade