Olivier salad
Olivier salad is the king of salads. Any man will say: there is no Olivier salad, which means there is no holiday. The recipe for Olivier salad has many varieties, so everyone, depending on their tastes and food preferences, can choose how to make Olivier salad. Photo recipe is probably not even needed, so simple salad Olivier in preparation. However, like everything ingenious. More details about the salad Olivier...The first preparation of Olivier salad is attributed to the chef of the Hermitage restaurant. How to make Olivier salad is thought to have been invented by Lucien Olivier, hence the name of this salad. The main question is not how to make Olivier salad, but what to make Olivier salad from. A real Olivier salad is the one you like. Today it is already difficult to name the classic recipe for Olivier salad. So you have a big choice of how to make Olivier salad. The ingredients of this salad have already changed several times. Olivier salad with fresh cucumber, cancer necks, hazel grouse and olives - so to speak
primary source, pre-revolutionary Olivier salad classic. Nowadays, Olivier salad recipe classic includes boiled eggs, boiled sausage and potatoes, salted cucumbers and green peas. This Olivier salad is a recipe for Soviet times. Sometimes it is also called winter olivier salad, because all the ingredients included in olivier salad can be easily obtained in winter. If you intend to make salad Olivier recipe with
sausage, sausage must be used boiled. To cook Olivier salad with chicken is certainly more troublesome, but it turns out to be tastier and healthier than Olivier salad with sausage.
Olivier chicken salad has another name - capital. If you are interested in how to decorate Olivier salad, a recipe with a photo will help solve this problem.