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Chicken salad marinade

Chicken salad will be especially delicious if you use chicken meat baked in such a salad marinade to cook it.

water - 2 cups, dry white wine - 2 cups, citric acid - 0.5 tsp, salt - 2 tsp, sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, cloves - 5 pcs., allspice - 10 pcs., juniper berries - 6 pcs.

How to make a salad marinade with chicken: Mix all the ingredients of the marinade. Prepared chicken carcass is cut in half along the spine line, poured with cold marinade and left in a closed dish for 2 days. Then it is dried with a towel and fried in the oven in fat until ruddy, adding marinade. The chicken made in this salad marinade can be served as a stand-alone dish.