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Canape are small croutons sandwiches cut from different foods. Canape is a recipe for a festive treat, most often canape snacks are prepared for a buffet, buffet, and canape is often made for a birthday. More details about Kanape...
They also prepare canapes for the festive table because they look very elegant. And the small size of the canape allows you to use even delicatessen products. Canape with caviar, canape with red fish, canape with herring, canape with shrimp, canape with ham, canape with sausage are prepared. Preparing canapés is very simple, the main thing is to be able to combine products. In addition, recipes for canapés and tartlets often contain various pates, pastes and sauces that give canapés a special taste. For convenience, canapés are often placed on skewers that can be sent whole into your mouth without taking a bite. Therefore, how to make canapés are interested in when to prepare snacks for a buffet. Without canapés, you can't make snacks for a buffet. Canapes are very attractive for children. For example, many children like the original canapés of ladybugs. If canapé sandwiches on the festive table are served with cocktails or at a buffet table, they are taken with their hands. Often, "canape" is also understood as a type of reception, a version of a buffet table: a couple of light snacks, tea, fruits and canape sandwiches. Canape recipes are simple, you can make them in just half an hour if you have all the necessary products. Moreover, you yourself can figure out how to make canapés from your favorite foods. You can also see how to make canapés by choosing canapés sandwiches (recipes with photos). After all, it is very important to cook and serve canapés beautifully, canapés recipes with photos demonstrate how to decorate these small sandwiches. Many people like not only to cook and eat canapés, but also just to watch on & # 65279; canapés. The photos of canapés are very colorful, so canapés are loved by many food photographers.