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Herring forshmak with curd

Herring forshmak with curd... 6 servings
2 hours your 30 min

This original herring dish with curd is prepared very quickly, as it does not need heat treatment. In addition, the recipe for forshmak with cottage cheese will not require much skill or expensive products, try!

Herring - 1 pc., Cottage cheese - 300-400 g, Sour cream - 0.5 cups, Green onion - 1-2 pcs., Sugar - 1-2 tsp, Salt - 0.5 tsp, Cheese - 20-25 g
Prepare products for forshmak from herring with cottage cheese.
How to make herring forshmak with cottage cheese: ... How to make herring forshmak with cottage cheese: Peel the herring from the skin and bones.
Finely chop the greens and dill. ... Finely chop the greens and dill.
Pass herring fillet with curd twice through a meat... Pass herring fillet with curd twice through a meat grinder or grind with a blender.
Add sour cream, sugar, finely chopped spring onion... Add sour cream, sugar, finely chopped spring onions and dill.
Beat the curd and herring forshmak well and put in... Beat the curd and herring forshmak well and put in a cold place for 1. 5 hours.
Grate the cheese on a fine grater. ... Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
Before serving, sprinkle the herring with cottage ... Before serving, sprinkle the herring with cottage cheese with grated cheese. Enjoy your meal!