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The recipe for basturma is Armenian, and according to other sources of the Turkish meat dish, it has been known for a long time. Basturma is an air-cured pressed tenderloin of salted meat coated with a layer of spicy chaman seasoning. Beef basturma has a dark color and dense consistency. More details about basturm...
Thinly sliced slices of cured basturma are usually served as a cold snack. Homemade Armenian basturm, the price of which is quite high, is a delicacy. The recipe for basturma appeared in hot climates and in the absence of refrigerators. To preserve meat in these conditions, they resorted to the production of basturma by salting and drying. How to cook basturma in Armenian? To prepare basturma at home, only low-fat tender meat of young animals is used. By the way, therefore, the calorie content of basturma due to its low fat content is not too high. But it is easier to buy basturma in the market or in the store, since basturma at home will only be ready in three weeks.

Sometimes basturma is called a type of cutaway kebab. You can make such basturma from beef, from pork, from chicken and even from fish, and not just from lamb.