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Urinated apples-i

1 serving

Preparation of urinated apples requires the choice of acidic, storage-resistant medium-sized fruits. The Russian Antonovka is best suited for this. The method of harvesting urinated apples is not the only one. According to one of them, you can cook apples urinated in water with sugar (alternating apples with straw). Another method is using wort (urinated apples with wort flour are harvested with currant leaves).

apple how much will go, currant leaves how much will go, or cherry leaves how much will go, water - 10 l, rye flour - 200 g, salt - 50 g

We cook flour in boiling water, pour salt, let it brew for 2-3 hours and filter it. At the bottom of the barrel we put a layer of black currant or cherry leaves, on them apples fruiting up, and so layer by layer (there should be a layer of leaves on top). After that, pour cold wort. Then we cover it with a circle, and install a small load on it. The liquid should constantly cover the apples. After 3-4 days, when active fermentation begins, the urinated apples are transferred to a cold place, where they are perfectly stored until spring.