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Salted mushrooms are the hot way

1 serving

After sorting, the mushrooms are repeatedly washed with cold water. Pour water into a saucepan at the rate of 1 cup per 1 kg of mushrooms, put salt and after boiling - mushrooms. During cooking, stirring, add spices and remove foam. If the mushrooms were cut large, they must be boiled for a little more than half an hour, if finely - 15-20 minutes. Ready-made mushrooms fall to the bottom of the pan. After cooling, put the mushrooms in a keg, sprinkling with spices, and close them with a circle with light oppression. You can try salted mushrooms no earlier than in a month. They are kept in the cellar.

dill to taste, salt - 500 g, cloves to taste, bay leaf to taste, fresh sprouts - 10 kg, or fresh berries - 10 kg, or fresh aspen - 10 kg, or fresh butter - 10 kg, black peas - 35-40 peas