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Potato zrazes with egg and rice

1 serving

Boiled potatoes, fried potatoes, mashed potatoes. . . Fed up? Make delicious stuffed potato cutlets - potato zrazes with egg and rice.

potatoes - 1 kg, eggs - 3 pcs., flour - 2-3 tbsp. spoons, rice - 0.25 cups, butter - 2-3 tbsp. spoons, onions - 180 g, vegetable oil - 0.25 cups, pepper to taste, salt to taste

Wash the potatoes thoroughly, boil, peel and mash so that there are no lumps (you can pass through the meat grinder). Add raw eggs, salt, ground pepper, some flour to the potato mass and mix everything well. Go through the rice, rinse several times and boil (0. 25 cups rice for 0. 75 cups water) with the addition of butter. Boil the egg hard-boiled, peel, finely chop and add to the rice. Sauté onions in oil and also add to rice. Season everything with salt, pepper and mix well. Form zraza with egg and rice from potato dough in the form of a cutlet with 1 tablespoon of the prepared filling. Then fry the zrazy with the egg and rice in a preheated frying pan in vegetable oil. Egg and rice zrazes can be served with tomato, onion or mushroom sauce (optional).