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Zrazy - meat or vegetable cutlet with filling. Meat zrazes can also be prepared in the form of a meat roll, in the manufacture of which chop meat is used. In addition, there are fish zraza, and even zraza from porridge, for example, semolina zraza. More details about the dawls...How to cook zrazy was invented either by Lithuanians, or Poles, or Belarusians and it was during the time of the Commonwealth. And later, the recipe has deservedly crossed the borders of this state. Initially, minced meat zrazes were prepared, for example, meat zraza with egg, meat zraza with mushrooms, chicken zraza, chicken zraza with mushrooms, zraza with egg. However, with the advent of potatoes, potato zrazes came out on top in popularity. Potato zrazes still hold the lead today. Cooking zraz from potatoes is simple, they are satisfying and can contain any filling. Therefore, there are many recipes for potato zraz: potato zraz with meat, potato zraz with mushrooms, potato zraz with minced meat, potato zraz with cabbage, potato zraz with egg, potato zraz with cheese. Surely you will also love potato zraza, we will tell you the recipe below.

If you love potatoes in your house, you just have to know how to cook zraza, or rather, how to cook potato zraza. Even yesterday's mashed potatoes are suitable, you can also make excellent mashed potato zraz, mushroom zraz or cheese zraz, depending on what you find in the refrigerator.

So, we are preparing zrazy, the recipe for cooking is this. First, fry the onion and mix the future filling with it. For example, fried mushrooms, if you are interested in the recipe for zraza with mushrooms, but you do not know how to make zraza with mushrooms. Now boil the potatoes, add butter and egg to them, mix. The mash should be tight. Make the puree cakes, put your filling in them, bake the zrazes and fry them in a pan. That's it, now you know how to make potato zraza. That's exactly how you can make a recipe for zraza with egg, a recipe for zraza potato with meat, a recipe for zraza meat. And many, many more recipes that you can find on our website.