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Schnitzel (from it. "Tenderloin") - a meat dish, a thin fried piece of meat.Any meat is used, so you can make pork schnitzel, beef schnitzel, chicken schnitzel. More details about schnitzel...
Chicken schnitzel captivates the speed of cooking, because chicken meat is quite soft. For the same reason, many people love pork schnitzel. Pork schnitzel is a recipe for those who are very hungry. How to make pork schnitzel original? Try putting mushrooms, cheese or baked fruits on schnitzels. Another clue for those planning to cook pork schnitzel is a recipe in beer dough.

So, if you do not know how to cook schnitzel, we inform you: in the classic version, the schnitzel recipe has two differences: the meat panics and does not fight back. Minced schnitzel and chopped schnitzel are already innovations. Vegetarians even came up with their own schnitzel - cabbage schnitzel. Cabbage schnitzel, a recipe, by the way, you can find on our website, prepared from boiled cabbage leaves, panicked in egg, flour or breadcrumbs. Schnitzel from cabbage with sour cream, ketchup or melted butter is served to the table.

Another condition for cooking schnitzel, which, of course, is not inviolable, is the abundance of oil for frying meat. This is the only way you can make the famous Vienna schnitzel, for example. Vienna Schnitzel is a recipe not for Austrian, but for Italian chefs. It was they who figured out how to make schnitzel: thin pieces of veal are fried in a large amount of oil, like for a fryer. Another equally famous schnitzel recipe is ministerial schnitzel: the meat in this schnitzel recipe is covered with pieces of bread. Although eating any well-cooked schnitzel will make you feel like a minister! : )