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Salmon kebab

Shashlik from semga is a useful delicacy. Useful, because the semga contains a lot of nutrients, and a delicacy, because the semga kebab is very tasty. More details about the shemga kebab...
It is better to cook shish skewers from semgi on wooden skewers, pre-soaked in water, because such a skewer is prepared quickly, and metal skewers are thick for delicate meat of semgi, and generally do not correspond to the aesthetics of this dish. It's important to know how to make the right marinade if you're planning on making a tasty shemga kebab. The marinade recipe includes soy sauce, olive oil, olives, fresh dill and fish seasonings to your liking. You can also add a little dry white wine to the sebab marinade from the semga, and be sure to wash down the kebab. But we do not advise adding lemon juice to the marinade: because of it, the semga loses its signature appetising reddish color, and your salmon kebab will be the wrong one. Since such a kebab is prepared quite quickly, remember that it is better to burn a little less sebab than overcook it.