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Rabbit kebab

Rabbit kebab has a delicate taste. More about rabbit kebab...
As you know, rabbit is not only valuable fur, but also "a few kilograms of delicious, easily digestible meat, " from which you can make a delicious kebab, the main thing is to know the recipe. Most often, rabbit kebabs are marinated in mayonnaise, less often in vinegar or some kind of juice. The easiest marinade to make a rabbit kebab is the marinade left over from your pickled tomato. The indispensable ingredient in rabbit kebab is onion, there should be a lot of it. Rabbit kebab is marinated for 6-8 hours in a cool place. Because rabbit meat is lean, rabbit kebabs are made with pieces of lard that are strung between the rabbit or spied on the carcass. You can also grease the meat with vegetable oil - the rabbit kebab won't burn or be over-dried.