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Pike perch fillet in hungarian

1 serving

Fish is cut, fillet is freed from bones and skin. Pour salted water into a low saucepan with butter browned and sprinkled with red pepper ONION, put heads, fins, you; all this is boiled for 20 - 25 minutes and then sour cream is added. The sauce decoction is brought to a boil again, seasoned with flour toasted in butter till light golden colour and filtered through a sieve. Fillet is added in salted water and then laid out on a dish, poured with cooked sauce. In summer, the dish can be decorated with wedges of green paprika. A side dish of boiled potatoes or dumplings is served separately.

butter - 20 g, onions - 100 g, red pepper - 3 g, salt to taste, walleye - 300 g, sour cream - 70 g