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Roast beef

Roast beef is a recipe for English cuisine, a whole baked piece of beef meat. Traditionally, roast beef is prepared in the oven. However, there are other options for how to cook roast beef. More details about roast beef...
Roast beef can be grilled or simmered. As the name of the dish (ang. "roasted beef"), properly cook beef roast beef. Nevertheless, pork roast beef also has many admirers. Meat for roast beef should be selected carefully. Beef roast beef is better to cook from "marble" meat. Too lean meat after cooking will be dry, so it is desirable to have fat veins. In addition, it is preferable to cook veal roast beef - such meat is more tender. There are other tricks to how to cook roast beef. The preparation of roast beef begins with the preparation of meat: it should not be very fresh, it is advisable to pre-hold it in the refrigerator for several days (but not freeze) so that it softens and loses some of the moisture. There is a recipe for cooking roast beef, which even advises boiling meat a little beforehand. But English roast beef is roast beef with blood. When piercing the finished meat, reddish juice should flow out. Please note that if you want to cook beef roast beef, the recipe usually contains recommendations for the temperature regime of baking meat: from the maximum at the initial stage, with a decrease near the end of roast beef cooking.

Pickled roast beef, of course, turns out to be more delicate and has a pleasant aroma. If you want to make pickled roast beef, the marinade recipe rarely contains wine or vinegar. Roast beef marinade usually consists of chopped vegetables (onions, carrots, celery) and spices. Before laying in the oven, it is advisable to spread the future roast beef with vegetable oil and pull it down with a harsh thread. To make a tasty roast beef, the recipe also often advises cutting or puncturing meat.

Both hot roast beef and cold roast beef are eaten in England. Roast beef with side dish is rarely served, usually chopped vegetables or baked potatoes. The salad is very well combined with roast beef. Roast beef sauce usually includes olive oil, yolk, lemon, mustard, spices, and sometimes fat that flows through the baking process. After you have prepared the roast beef, make sure to take the photo. Men like to devour fried meat even with their eyes.