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Round steak

A romstex is a slightly chipped and fried small piece of meat. As a rule, it is a tenderloin or fillet. The history of romstex begins in England, it was the British who figured out how to prepare romstex. More details about Romstex...
From England, this dish got to Russia, where it was originally called closer to the English pronunciation - "romstek. " There are beef romstex, pork romstex, chicken romstex. But beef romstex is a classic recipe.

The preparation of romstex, in principle, is uncomplicated. However, let's give you some tips on how to fry the romstex properly. Pieces of meat for romstex are beaten to a thickness of 1-2 cm. Before frying, they are dipped into a beaten egg (liaison), and then into flour or breadcrumbs. Then the meat is fried in a pan in vegetable or melted butter. But this is not yet a ready-made romstex, the recipe usually advises bringing the meat to readiness in the oven. Romstex is considered ready when the meat is easily pierced by a fork and the liquid flows out of it transparent. However, chicken romstex can do without an oven.

Now you know how to make romstex. We hope you get a delicious romstex, we expect a photo from you.