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Plov "ararat"

To prepare a folding pilaf, rice must be carefully sorted, washed and poured with salt water for 30-40 minutes. When the rice swells, fill it in salted boiling water and cook until tender. Do not boil the rice, the finished rice should be soft on the outside, and remain elastic in the middle. Tip the rice into a colander or metal sieve, roll with hot water, let the water drain. In a saucepan, melt the oil, place the rice, gently stir with the oil and simmer under the lid for about 40 minutes. Bake the apples and quince, raisins, albuhara and dried apricots lightly fried in oil, dry the peeled almonds in the oven. Put the boiled rice on a large dish with a slide, put apples and quince around, put raisins, albuhara, dried apricots and almonds on the rice. Put 2 fresh apples at opposite ends of the dish.

rice - 1.7 kg, apple - 1 kg, quince - 1 kg, melted butter - 1 cup, raisins - 1 cup, dried yellow plum (albuhara) 0.5 g, dried apricots to taste, almonds to taste, salt to taste