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Turnip baked with cheese and sour cream

1 serving

Turnip small whole or large, cut into slices, boil in salted boiling water, strain. Put in layers in a sauté pan, greased, sprinkled with crumbs, spraying each layer with butter and sprinkling with Swiss cheese (50g). Boil a glass of turnip boil, pour in a thin stream, stirring constantly, 0. 5 cups of cream (or milk), loosened with 2 teaspoons of flour. When it boils and thickens, add 50 g of oil, 100 g of sour cream, stir, pour turnip, sprinkle with crumbs, cheese, drizzle with butter, let it gradually brown in the oven. Serve the oil,

turnip - 1 pc., cheese - 50 g, cream - 0.5 cups, or milk - 0.5 cups, turnip decoction - 1 cup, flour - 2 tsp, butter to taste, sour cream - 100 g