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Fat-fried potatoes

1 serving

In fat, that is, deep fried, only chopped potatoes are fried, since large whole tubers burn on top when fried, and remain raw inside. Peel, rinse the potatoes and cut into bars just before frying. You can also cut potatoes into chips, spirals, or use a special notch to cut small balls (noisette). Before frying, potatoes must be dried well, otherwise the water will cool the fat, which will cause it to froth strongly. For the same reason, you cannot salt potatoes before frying in fat, as it will soak up. In deep dishes (frying pan, saucepan, fryer, electric miter, etc. ) Heat fat (vegetable lard, kombizhir, etc. ) Up to 170-180 °. At this fat temperature, the surface of the potatoes does not shrink during frying and a beautiful ruddy crust forms. In addition, it should be remembered that insufficiently heated fat is strongly foamed when products are immersed in it. Fat should be 3-4 times more potatoes fried in one go. Immerse the potatoes in heated fat in small batches so as not to cool the fat. When the potatoes are fried until dark golden, remove them with a dry spoon on a sieve or metal grill and let the fat drain. Before serving, fries fried in fat must be salted with very fine salt. As an independent dish, potatoes in the form of bars (free) are usually served, and potatoes with straws (pai) shavings, slices (chibs) are served on a side dish for Kyiv cutlets, beefsteak, romsteks, etc. Potatoes cut into straws are served dry on a plate covered with a paper napkin, and cut into bars, etc. , in a frying pan with watered oil or margarine

potatoes - 400 g, fat - 32 g, margarine - 10 g, or butter - 10 g