Braised pork kidneys
2 servings2 hours 15 min your 15 minMeat offal, such as kidneys, can be very tasty when you know how to cook them properly. Let's make pork buds stewed with slices.
Pork kidneys - 300 g, Flour - 15 g, Fat for frying - 30 g, Broth - 250 ml, or Water - 250 ml, Salt - 0.5 tsp, Pepper - 0.25 tsp, Spices (red pepper) - at the tip of a knifePrepare products for the preparation of stewed kidneys.

How to make braised kidneys: Pig kidneys are thoroughly washed, deeply incised and soaked in water for 30 minutes.

The pork kidneys are poured with boiling water, boiled for 5-10 minutes and the water is drained (you can repeat these actions again). The kidneys are then cooled.

The chilled pork kidneys are then obliquely sliced into medium thickness slices. The slices are dried with a napkin.

Heat vegetable and butter in a frying pan. Kidney slices are fried in highly heated fat. First, fry for 3-4 minutes on one side. The slices are then turned over and fried for 2-3 minutes on the other side.

The fried slices are transferred to a thick-bottomed saucepan or cauldron.

Then pour in 250 ml of broth or water, simmer until soft (1-1. 5 hours) under a lid over a low heat. If necessary, the kidneys should be poured with water almost completely covered with fluid).

salt, black ground pepper, a pinch of red pepper are added. You can also add 125 ml of sour cream.

When the stewed kidneys are ready, flour is added and mixed thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Braised kidneys with potatoes or crumbly porridge are served to the table.