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Rabbit schnitzel

1 serving

cut the meat of the lower back and the back of the rabbit together with the fat (speck) with a section. if the rabbit is fatty, the lard can be left out by using rabbit fat instead. then beat the meat with a knife, cut the oval schnitzels (for each person 1-2 schnitzels), sprinkle them with salt, ground pepper, moisten with an egg beaten with a little milk, roll stale rolls in crumbs or in crumbs mixed with grated cheese, and fry in butter. to schnitzel serve hot boiled, fat-fried potatoes, stewed carrots and mashed potatoes. schnitzel can also be served with fresh fruit salad, urinated apples, lingonberry povidlo, pickled mushroom salad

rabbit - 1 kg, speck (spig, stud) - 100 g, lard - 1 tbsp. spoon, or melted butter - 1 tbsp. spoon, eggs - 1 pc., white bread - 0.5 cups, cheese - 1 tbsp. spoon, ground black pepper to taste, salt to taste, milk to taste