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Beef tongue with mushrooms

8 servings

Cook the tongue for 15 minutes, cool under cold water and peel. Then pour water over your tongue again and cook with carrots, turnips and two bulbs until cooked through. In a saute pan or deep frying pan, prepare the sauce. To do this, cut the remaining onions into cubes, fry in butter until golden and dry. Then finely chop the mushrooms and simmer with the onions. The liquid should be enough to boil the sliced tongue in the onion and mushroom sauce for 7-8 minutes. Serve the tongue with mashed potatoes or pasta, watering generously with sauce and sprinkling with herbs.

beef tongue - 1.8 kg, carrots - 450 g, turnips - 400 g, onions - 6 pcs., boiled mushrooms - 10 pcs., how much butter will go, herbs - 1 bunch