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Pilaf with stuffed quail

1 serving

Scald the quail with boiling water and clean. Then rinse thoroughly with cold water, dry with a napkin. Make lamb minced meat, with the addition of chicken lard, onions and spices. Parch the quail. In very heated fat, cook the onions, carrots, then put the quail, pour water and cook over a low heat. Add salt and spices to the zirvak. After laying rice in the zirvak, continue to cook pilaf in the usual way. Before serving, carefully remove the quail from the boiler, put in a separate dish, and mix the pilaf, put on a dish. Put quail on top of the pilaf - one quail for each portion. You can serve any salad to pilaf.

rice - 1 kg, pork fat - 250 g, quail - 5-6 pcs., lamb - 300 g, carrots - 500 g, onions - 500 g