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Hare pate

Peel and wash the hare, remove the fillet from the bones, cut the upper vein, cut into portions, fold on the oil melted in the saute pan and fry slightly. Fold the bones into a saucepan, fry and juice. Slice 200g speck and 200g calf liver, put on heat and fry a little under the lid. When the liver is whitened and in the middle there will be no redness, remove from the heat, cool and strain the juice into a saucepan; remove the soft parts remaining on the bones, put them to the liver, chop them finely, thin, wipe them through a sieve. put salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste. if the mince is tender, you can consume, otherwise add juice from the hare. take 400 g of flour on the table, put 100 g of butter, 1 whole egg and 2 yolks, stir, add milk, knead a moderately cool dough. when ready, cover with a towel and let it brew for a few minutes. Make the pate as follows: spread oil on the form prepared for the pate. roll out the dough into half a finger, put it in a heap, put it on the middle of the ceiling, disassemble the dough so that the edges are covered with excess. level the dough, put the mince in the middle, level, cover the top with excess dough and glue the pate so that the mince is nowhere to be seen. grease with egg, make a cockade from the same dough in the middle, grease it again and put it in a hot oven. When brown and baked in the middle, remove, remove the frame, grease around with oil and serve hot.

dough to taste, hare - 1 pc., calf liver - 200 g, speck (spig, stud) - 200 g, butter - 2 tbsp. spoons, eggs - 2 pcs.