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Lasagna is a traditional Italian dish, which is a layer of dough, transferred with various fillings. It is believed that how to make lasagne was invented by residents of the province of Emilia-Romagna. More details about climbing...Italian lasagna is beloved by many today. Some historians believe that they knew how to make lasagne or a dish similar to it back in ancient Rome. The preparation of lasagna in its modern form originates in the province of Emilia-Romagna, from where the recipe for lasagna spread throughout Italy. Until now, lasagna is considered a classic dish of the city of Bologna, located in this province. That is why lasagne classical is lasagne bolognese. In addition, almost every province or city has its own recipe for lasagna. For example, in Naples - Neapolitan lasagna, in Sicily - Sicilian lasagna. The recipe made it possible to experiment and use various products.

A few words on how to make lasagne dough. If you are interested in lasagne, the recipe for making dough should not scare you away. It is advisable to knead lasagne dough from hard wheat flour, which is usually used to make pasta. The recipe for lasagne dough is quite simple: flour, eggs, water, salt, olive oil. There is one remark to the question of how to prepare sheets for lasagne: it takes a long time to knead to get plastic dough for lasagne. The recipe requires just such a test. Today in the supermarket you will be able to buy ready-made layers for lasagne, the recipe for lasagne after that will become much easier for you. But even if you haven't found lasagne sheets, we'll advise you on how to make lasagne and without them. So there are pasta lasagne, puff pastry lasagne, pita lasagne, lazy lasagne and even pancake lasagne. Lasagne, a pita recipe, is often referred to as a lazy lasagne recipe. It should also be added that traditionally 6 layers of dough are used, so the classic lasagne is prepared, the recipe of which was invented in Bologna.

How to make lasagne dough we have already told, now is the time to talk about how to make lasagne. There are many recipes for lasagne, the filling for lasagne can be very different. There are meat lasagne, lean lasagne or vegetarian lasagne, mushroom lasagne, fish lasagne, seafood lasagne, vegetable lasagne, cheese lasagne. Lasagna and cheese is made with ricotta cheese or mozzarella. But if you are interested in lasagne bolognese, this recipe allows the use of only parmesan cheese. There can be a complicated or simple lasagna recipe, depending on the amount of lasagna ingredients. In short, the choice is very large, for every taste: lasagne with meat or lasagne with mince, lasagne with chicken, lasagne with mushrooms, lasagne with chicken and mushrooms, lasagne with mince and mushrooms.

If you cannot live without meat, a recipe for lasagne with minced meat or a recipe for meat lasagne, lasagne recipe with chicken are suitable for you. It remains only to find out how to make lasagne with minced meat: for this, look at the lasagne with minced meat recipe, how to make lasagne with minced meat or lasagne with minced meat recipe with a photo. If you're on a diet or vegetarian, make vegetable lasagne, pasta lasagne recipe, mushroom lasagne recipe.

Lasagne with vegetables, for example, potato lasagne, will be useful and tasty. If you're interested in a more refined recipe, the spinach lasagne is for you. By the way, sometimes you can see on the packaging with green lasagne sheets the inscription "lasagne with spinach" - this means that grated spinach was added to the lasagne dough.

The most correct sauce for lasagna is béchamel. Béchamel sauce for lasagne is like mayonnaise for olivier. Beschamel for lasagne, of course, can be bought, but it is better to make it yourself. This is the most delicious sauce for lasagna, the beschamel recipe is not so complicated. You'll need butter, flour, milk, salt, pepper and a whisper of nutmeg to make the beschamel sauce. The recipe for lasagna is the same as for other dishes.

Many do not know how to cook lasagne at home. Nothing complicated, we will assume that you have already identified yourself with a lasagne recipe and you have the necessary products for filling and lasagne dough. The recipe for lasagna at home may not differ much from the restaurant - the main thing is to have a steady desire to cook some tasty lasagna. For example, it could be a recipe for lasagna with meat, lasagna with cheese and ham, or vegetable lasagna. The recipe for homemade lasagne is generally very simple and resembles pancakes with filling. That is, you just shift the ingredients of lasagna, make sure you use cheese and butter, and bake all this in the oven. With all the necessary ingredients, cooking lasagne at home is not difficult. Of course, it would be nice to have a rectangular shape at home, although pancake lasagne will help you solve this problem too. In the restaurant, lasagne is prepared in the oven, lasagne at home is prepared in the oven. But the lasagne in the microwave also has the right to be eaten. Everything is simple and now you know how to make lasagne at home.

By the way, not only Italians know how to cook lasagna. Lasagne recipes are easily invented on their own. The Poles, by the way, also know a long time ago how lasagne is being prepared, this recipe for them is called "lasanka. " So experiment, come up with your own way of making lasagne, you will probably get your own author's lasagne, send us a photo to show off. And your own recipe for lasagne with photos, your personalized lasagne recipe with photos will decorate our site.