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Cod cutlets

3 servings

Cod fish cutlets are particularly tender and light.

cod - 700 g, white bread - 2 pieces, ground crumbs - 2 tbsp. spoons, onions - 1 pc., eggs - 1 pc., pepper to taste, salt to taste

Soak the bun in milk and squeeze, cut the onions into circles and fry. Fish pulp, onions, a bun to pass twice through a meat grinder, add egg, salt, pepper. Mix everything thoroughly to get a homogeneous mass, divide into portions, run in crumbs and shape round piles of oval cutlets. Fry on both sides until golden. Place the cod cutlets on the dish in one row, garnish with lettuce leaves and tomato slices. Serve cod cutlets with potatoes and a salad of fresh vegetables.