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Chakhokhbili is a bird stew widespread in the Caucasus. Chakhokhbili is a recipe for Georgian national cuisine. The name of this dish comes from the Georgian word "khokhobi" - pheasant. Pheasant is the national bird of Georgia, and was originally made into chahohbili. The recipe for cooking then spread throughout the Caucasus. Getting a pheasant is pretty hard, so we'll tell you how to make chicken chachohbili. More details about Chakhohbili...
One of our most popular national cuisines is Georgian cuisine. Chahohbili is one of her business cards. Chakhokhbili in Georgian can be made not only from pheasant. Currently, the chahohbili recipe allows almost any poultry meat to be used. Chicken chachohbili is especially popular. This recipe quickly gained popularity almost all over the world. At the same time, today the recipes of chahohbili are greatly modified: there are chahohbili from lamb, chahohbili from beef. But the real chahohbili is Georgian chicken chahohbili. Chahohbili from chickens is a simple recipe, and the dish is satisfying and tasty. Therefore, knowing how to cook chahohbili is useful for every housewife. The chicken chahohbili recipe pleasantly diversifies your home menu.

Chahohbili's chicken recipe usually starts with roasting onions. Then you need to prepare the meat: the chicken must be chopped into small pieces. Cooking chahohbili has one prerequisite: before braising, the meat must be fried a little in a dry pan. It is this nuance that gives a special taste to chahohbili. After that, tomatoes or tomato paste, fried onions, wine are added to the meat and all this is stewed over a low heat for 30 minutes. At the end, garlic, herbs and spices are added to chahohbili from chicken or other poultry. Those who prefer to eat this dish with a side dish are served chicken chahohbili with potatoes. In addition, you can submit a drawing to chahohbili from chickens. This is where our instruction on how to cook chahohbili ends. If you have questions about cooking chahohbili, a recipe with a photo will help you.