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Steam omelette

Steam omelette... 2 servings
1 hour your 10 min

A steam omelette is a delicious and healthy breakfast option.

Eggs - 4 pcs., Milk - 100 ml, Salt - 2-3 pinches, Butter - 10 g
Products for steam omelette are prepared.
How to make a steam omelette: Raw eggs are broken ... How to make a steam omelette: Raw eggs are broken into a bowl.
It is combined with milk, salted, beaten with a wh... It is combined with milk, salted, beaten with a whisk.
Filter through a sieve. ... Filter through a sieve.
The enameled tray or mold (stainless steel) is lub... The enameled tray or mold (stainless steel) is lubricated with oil. The egg mixture is poured onto an oiled tray or mold (the height of the omelette should be 3-5 cm).
They boil the omelette for steam - in a steamer, m... They boil the omelette for steam - in a steamer, mantovark or in a steam box. (A steamer can be made from improvised means - a metal colander is installed in a saucepan of suitable diameter (so that the edges of the colander are on the outside, and the main part is on the inside of the saucepan). Water is poured onto the bottom of the pan, the entire structure is put on fire. When the water boils, a shape with an omelette is placed in a colander and the colander is tightly covered with a lid. )
The omelette is boiled for a couple of 40-60 minut... The omelette is boiled for a couple of 40-60 minutes. The finished steam omelette shall be uniformly dense. Enjoy your meal!