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Egg dishes

Egg dishes have a lot of positive properties. They are nutritious, quick to cook. Eggs are perfectly combined with almost all products, have a neutral taste, allow the cook to show their imagination. More details about egg dishes...Recipes for preparing dishes from eggs can be selected for any type of dishes and meals. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, for a solemn feast and a quick snack, delicious egg dishes will always be appropriate. First, look into your refrigerator and decide what and what you want to cook egg dishes with. Recipes can contain a wide variety of ingredients. Interested in pastries, snacks or salads? There are egg and curd dishes, egg and cheese dishes, egg and flour dishes, egg and meat dishes, egg and vegetable dishes. Depending on the availability of time and desire, you can choose more complex, even restaurant, or simple egg dishes, fast egg dishes. Those who still have little experience in cooking often begin by preparing simple egg dishes. Such recipes are especially loved by men. Scrambled eggs, omelette, poached eggs, brizole are the perfect breakfast options. Stuffed eggs with liver, cheese, mushrooms - beautiful festive dishes and snacks from eggs. And there are many such examples. To begin with, you should decide which egg dishes are of interest to you by the method of their preparation. There are cooked egg dishes, fried egg dishes, oven or slow cooker egg dishes. There are even dishes made of raw eggs, such as the famous eggnog. By the way, it is believed that it is safest to cook such dishes from quail eggs. Preparing dishes from raw eggs has an obvious plus: in this form, quail eggs are most useful. Quail eggs are often remembered and when it comes to egg dishes for children. And this is another reason to pay your attention to quail egg dishes. Salad recipes also often use these eggs, due to their size they look very interesting in a salad. Be sure to see how such salads and other dishes with quail eggs are prepared, photos are more eloquent than any words. But, of course, we cook chicken egg dishes much more often. Chicken egg dishes are understandably more accessible than others. Some recipe dishes should be yellow, have a certain consistency, so you can choose dishes made of egg proteins and dishes made of egg yolks. Dishes made of protein eggs are low-calorie, their original confectionery is obtained. Step-by-step recipes with photos will help you prepare even the most complex egg dishes. Photo recipes will also help in matters such as decorating egg dishes and decorating egg dishes. We will show you examples of how to serve egg dishes in a very extraordinary and creative way.