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Collops or collops are round cutlets of chopped or beaten meat. Collops are also made from other products such as potatoes, cabbage, rice. Manka collops are very popular. Round rissoles are prepared in a pan or in the oven. More details about the buttons...The names "collops, collars" come from the fact that it was the chop cutlets from the tenderloin (medallions) that were once called that. Then this name extended to chopped dishes of this form. And then not only for meat, but also for fish, cereal, vegetable cutlets of round shape. And now the preparation of round rissoles has many recipes, among them: meat round rissoles, chicken round rissoles, fish round rissoles, liver round rissoles, crab round rissoles, millet round rissoles, manna round rissoles, rice round rissoles, potato round rissoles, cabbage round rissoles.

The most popular collops are meat, recipes such as pork collops, chicken collops or minced collops. Special honor is given to chickens with mushrooms.

We advise you to make collops from meat collops in a Selyan way. Beef is best for them. It should be passed through a meat grinder with a large lattice. Then add the onion, salt and pepper. Make collops from minced meat, then roll them in flour and fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan.

Recall that the recipe for round rissoles can include other ingredients, for example, you can prepare round rissoles, round rissoles from potatoes, round rissoles from semolina, etc. If you do not have meat at hand, but there is rice, we advise you to cook rice collops, the recipe for their preparation is very simple. Before cooking, rinse the rice well and put it in boiling salted water. When the rice porridge is ready, you can add sugar and eggs to it. Stir the mixture and let the porridge cool. Then cut the collops, roll in crumbs and fry in a pan with butter. Rice collops can be served with sweet or mushroom sauce. Potato collops are also quite easy to cook. The recipe provides for the preparation of ready-made puree, which greatly simplifies the task of the hostess.

How to make mince collops? We will briefly tell you how to make semolina collars. The recipe is very simple, and even those who do not really like semolina will taste the dish. First, you need to boil milk, add salt and sugar, and then pour in semolina. During the cooking process, porridge must be constantly stirred so that there are no lumps. After the porridge has boiled, you need to remove it from the heat and immediately add a piece of butter. Then cover and leave to cool. Drive the eggs into the cooled porridge and mix thoroughly. Next, heat a little vegetable oil in a pan. Give the porridge the shape of round rissoles and, having previously collapsed in crumbs, flour or sesame seeds, start frying. The best thing is to eat semolina collops with jelly both hot and cold. Also try adding jam or condensed milk to them.