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Ketchup and sour cream sauce

Ketchup and sour cream sauce... 1 serving
5 min yours 5 min

Just make a sauce for boiled meat or kebab. We recommend ketchup sauce and sour cream. This is perhaps the "fastest sauce. "

Ketchup - 50g (to taste), sour cream - 100g (to taste)
Prepare products for ketchup sauce and sour cream.
How to make ketchup and sour cream sauce: Since ke... How to make ketchup and sour cream sauce: Since ketchup already has all the necessary components, it is diluted with sour cream in a ratio of 1: 2.
Sour cream and ketchup are well mixed or beaten wi... Sour cream and ketchup are well mixed or beaten with a mixer.
Over a low heat, the sauce is brought almost to a ... Over a low heat, the sauce is brought almost to a boil in a saucepan, stirring.
Ketchup and sour cream sauce is ready. Served hot.... Ketchup and sour cream sauce is ready. Served hot. Enjoy your meal!