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Raffaello cake

Original and beautiful Raffaello cake - a proven recipe and will certainly be a bright decoration of any table! Read more about Raffaello's cake...
This dessert, made on its own, tastes no inferior to purchased cakes, but it definitely does not contain any harmful additives. It contains only natural products, which are usually found in the bins of any hostess.

To make a cake, Raffaello does not have to be an experienced cook. Simplicity is what captivates in the process of its preparation.

Without a doubt, we all at least once tried the magic and airy sweets "Raffaello, " covered with coconut chips. They can't help but like it. It is coconut chips that are the main "chip" of Raffaello's cake, the recipe in any case will contain this ingredient, and therefore the cake will taste similar to sweets. Such a dessert will not be lost at all in the best pastry shops and restaurants in the world.

And also about the ease of making Raffaello's cake at home. It is enough to have the necessary ingredients for Raffaello cake in the kitchen, a recipe with a photo from our culinary experts, as well as a little time and patience. Raffaello's cake corgis or pastries are either biscuit or sand. Sometimes Raffaello's homemade cake is made with curd dough. Raffaello's cottage cheese cake tastes special and is more delicate and light. In this case, we will get Raffaello cake without baking, which many like. The number of cakes is not limited, however, as well as the size of the dessert itself. It's a matter of taste. But it should be remembered that the thinner the cakes, the faster and better they will soak. Sometimes you can use ready-made store cakes to save time.

Raffaello cake cream can be any, including custard, cream, sour cream, condensed milk, cottage cheese, as well as cream cheese. Some hostesses mix several types of cream, but this makes it even more original, and the taste is deeper. The main ingredient in the cake, as we noted, is coconut chips. It should be added a lot, up to a glass and a half in one Raffaello cake. The photo of this dessert tells us that there is not a lot of shavings. There is more! Each Raffaello candy contains prepared, blanched almonds. Raffaello's naive cakes can also be enriched with a nut. It should be dried and crushed beforehand. But to decorate the finished product, you can use whole pieces of nut. In addition, you can add a little waffle to the cake, previously finely crumbled. But you need not overdo it with them, since the waffles absorb a lot of moisture, and therefore the cake cake may not soak enough.

The process of making Raffaello cake, step by step presented on our website, will be a joy to you, the result is worth your effort. It will be especially easy and easy for you to prepare Raffaello cake step by step with a photo. Of course, Raffaello cake takes pride of place in the ranking of the simplest and most original desserts. The step-by-step recipe for the dish only supports this claim.

Well, in order to better understand how to make Raffaello cake, we focus your attention on some features of the process of its preparation, we will give some advice:

- to decorate Raffaello's cake, you can place eponymous sweets on top. Small curd or cookie balls sprinkled with coconut chips can also be used for this;

- confectionery aromatic extracts can be used to give the dessert an aroma and a more pronounced taste;

- syrups give moisture to biscuit cakes, but other types of cakes (sand, curd) are impregnated with abundant layers of creams;

- since there is a lot of coconut chips going into the cake, it is better and more economical to buy it for a weight, and not in small packs, which is much more expensive.