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Shortbread cookies are distinguished by their tiny structure, they are very delicate, crumbly. Thanks to this, shortbread cookies do not stale for a long time and literally melt in the mouth. More details about shortbread cookies...All pastry lovers, and especially children, are very fond of crumbly shortbread cookies. It will be useful for you to master this simple recipe. Home-made shortbread cookies are a perennial tea party favorite. Talk about how to make shortbread cookies. Shortbread cookies at home are prepared simply, but they are tastier than purchased ones. A basic set of products to make cookies from shortbread such as flour, margarine eggs, sugar, soda. You can make shortbread cookies in margarine or butter - homemade shortbread cookies, the recipe is exactly the same. You can add something else to the cookie dough, such as cottage cheese, by receiving a delicate shortbread cookie with cottage cheese. Or condensed milk, you get a very fragrant shortbread. The recipe for margarine and oil are not the only ones, you can also prepare shortbread cookies on sour cream. Butter or margarine will still be there, but sour cream will make shortbread cookies softer. A simple recipe will help you make shortbread cookies quickly. Shortbread will take you about an hour. Making shortbread cookies: beat the yolks with margarine or butter, add flour, knead the dough, put it in the refrigerator. In half an hour we get it, roll out the dough, cut it and send it to the oven, in 15 minutes your delicious shortbread cookies will be ready. Even simple shortbread cookies can be made original by cutting out some figures from the dough. Often shortbread cookies are prepared with filling, here you can call the recipe shortbread cookies with jam, shortbread cookies with nuts, shortbread cookies kurabye with apricot jam. For those interested not only in the recipe for delicious shortbread, but also original in appearance, we suggest making shortbread through a meat grinder. The recipe is exactly the same, all the salt is that the dough is passed through a meat grinder, as a result, the cookies become very original in shape. If you have little experience in pastry art, choose shortbread cookies (recipe with photo), cooking shortbread cookies with them is simple. Take your laptop to the kitchen and start making shortbread cookies, a photo step by step will show you how it cooks. There is another assistant for those who do not yet know how to make shortbread - video.