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Puff pastry biscuits

Puff pastry cookies can be made from homemade or purchased puff pastry. It can be given a wide variety of shapes, cooked with and without filling. More about puff pastry cookies...The dough is used differently, it is already for your taste. There are puff yeast dough cookies and puff yeast dough cookies. Let's start the recipe for puff pastry cookies with a story on how to make puff pastry. Biscuits with puff dough will have an interesting taste if you add beer to the dough. But more often they use more traditional layer dough for cookies, the recipe includes flour, water, egg, butter or margarine, citric acid, salt. Sugar is added to the sweet puff pastry biscuits or sprinkled over the biscuits before sending them to the oven. A tasty puff pastry cookie is obtained if you rinse the dough pieces with something, for example, condensed milk. We also advise you to make the famous Berlin puff pastry biscuit, which is a hit with many German pastry shops, and which is easy to make at home. It can have a different shape, hence the variants of the names: ear cookies from puff dough, heart cookies from puff dough, biscuits kisses from puff dough, cookies from puff rosette dough. You can make such cookies from ready-made puff dough. Of course, the fastest puff pastry biscuits and the simplest puff pastry biscuits are those from purchased puff pastry. He laid out sheets or rolled out dough, cut it, formed future cookies, and into their oven. Making cookies from homemade puff dough will not take much time, but you can make it to your taste, for example, chocolate, sweet, spiced, beer or cottage cheese cookies from puff dough. Photos of how to make a puff pastry cookie, video recipe and cooking commentary will help you make a truly homemade and delicious puff pastry cookie.