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Oat biscuits

Oat cookies are one of the most popular types of homemade cookies. The benefits of oatmeal, ease of preparation, pleasant taste, variability - there are a lot of reasons for you to cook some tasty oatmeal cookies at home. More details about oat cookies...
For oat cookie lovers, we suggest choosing a recipe for oat cereal cookies. A homemade cookie recipe will help you make a very delicious confection that you won't always find in the most sophisticated pastry shops. If you don't have much time to cook, you should opt for a simple oat cookie. Despite its simplicity, you will get a real tasty oat cookie, a simple recipe will take you about half an hour. And if you want to get something special, then the choice is wide. Homemade oat cookies are a recipe that can be made even tastier by adding a variety of ingredients. Oat cookies with chocolate, oat cookies with cottage cheese, oat cookies with honey are prepared. To make the cooked oat cookies at home more useful, they make oat cookies with raisins, oat cookies with nuts. You can also add fresh fruits to oat cookies, as, for example, in recipes, oat cookies with apples, oat cookies with banana. But you can also exclude certain ingredients, for example, if you want to bake diet oat cookies. The recipe for such cookies generally excludes one or more calorie ingredients. These are oat cookies without butter, oat cookies without eggs, oat cookies without flour. If you want to make a tasty and soft oat diet cookie, make a kefir oat cookie. I must say that such a diet cookie made of oatmeal is perfect for dieters and children. The photo will reveal in front of you all the subtleties of how to make oat cookies quickly and tasty. With it, you can make real oat cookies the first time. The recipe with the photo is also useful for another reason. You can see how to decorate oat cookies, photos will help in this matter. Then be sure to invite people close to you for a cup of tea, and put your homemade oat cookies on the table. The recipe for oat cookies after that will surely be asked by one of your guests.