Biscuits from "hercules"
8 servings40 min your 15 minWhat can you make from Hercules? Think only porridge? Have you tried sweets from Hercules? We offer a recipe for cookies from "Hercules" - tasty, easy, inexpensive, and most importantly, useful.
Instant hercules - 500 g, Butter - 250 g, Sugar - 200 g, Soda - 0.5 tsp, Lemon (juice and zest) - 1 pc., Eggs - 3 pcs., Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon, walnut - 1 tbsp. spoon, or peanuts - 1 tbsp. spoonThe recipe products are in front of you. Turn on the oven.

Grind Hercules (400 g) into flour.

Sift oat flour.

Heat the pan, put the butter.

Place the flakes remaining during sieving and another 100 g of hercules in hot oil, fry in butter (100 g), stirring, over a medium heat (2-3 minutes).

Put the nuts in a dry pan, fry on a medium heat stirring, until pleasant smell (about 5 minutes).

Grind nuts with a rolling pin.

Wash the lemon, grate it over a fine grater.

Mix the nuts with the softened butter, sugar, eggs, soda, liquid honey, lemon juice and shredded lemon zest.

Add the sifted flour and the cooled flakes.

Mix everything well. The dough is ready.

Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper. Lay out the dough 2/3 of a teaspoon, leaving 3-4 cm between the portions, since the cookies spread out when baking.

Put the baking tray in the oven on the middle shelf. Bake cookies from "Hercules" at a temperature of 180 ° C until golden (about 20-25 minutes).

Cookies from "Hercules" are ready, only completely cooled off the baking sheet.

Enjoy your meal!